As humans, we aren’t meant to be alone for extended period of times, hence why solitary confinement is used as punishment. We don’t live on an island (although sometimes we wish we did, right?), rather we are members of a specific group and surrounded by people such as family, friends, coworkers, neighbors etc. We are part of a larger community, we experience a sense of belonging. We need to develop a tool kit full of resources at our disposal, that we can use tools from to better cope with life. 

We are not designed to thrive alone, but with the support of those around us. This is exactly why we should learn to surround ourselves with positive and supportive people and groups. This is not something we are born with; it is something we learn throughout life in an attempt to cope with life’s challenges. We need people around us, sometimes for emotional support, other times for spiritual support. We tend to lean into those close to us when life becomes too overwhelming. Our communities have a variety of resources available to help with whatever our needs are. But since I focus on mental, spiritual, and physical health, I will highlight sources that promote those exact needs. 

Fire and Flow – this amazing duo is committed to uplift every woman in need of self discovery. They offer a variety of events (on-line and in person) that one can attend and learn more about their purpose in life. They can help you rekindle your inner fire and nourish your mind and soul as you step away from the hustle and plug into what matters most. YOU! Maddie and Kara, the dynamic duo, can be found at or on IG at Fireandflowevents. 

Churches – if you are not ready to dive into therapy quite yet, many churches have pastoral counselors that can assist with whatever your needs at the moment are. They are great at guiding you on your desired path and supporting you along the way. If you belong to a church, I encourage you to explore their website or bulletins boards (when you attend in person) and see what they can offer you. If you do not belong to any church, these services and resources can still be available and at your disposal. Ask questions and advocate for your needs. 

Support Groups 

*The Heartland Family Service Affirming Care Group is designed to support LGBTQ+ individuals who feel they may need support with beginning a path of recovery from substance use or assistance with emotional stability. Heartland Family Service is proud to offer a safe space for anyone to show up as their authentic selves in their search for wellness. The therapists who lead this group have been trained in affirming care by a national training institute and continue to attend consultation calls. The curriculums used are evidenced-based and are created to ensure relevance and a voice to our LGBTQ+ clients. Using written exercises and group discussions, the Affirming Care Group will provide opportunities for participants to enhance their ability to achieve their goals related to substance use or emotional stability. 

**A variety of support groups such as Narcissistic Relationships, Fertility Issues, Divorce, Grief and Loss, Injury or Physical Disability, Caregiving, etc. all of these struggles and more can be found at 

***Divorce issues and support for those can be located at 

****Additional support groups are identified at

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in a nutshell

Yes, our thoughts/cognitions impact our feelings and therefore our feelings impact  our behaviors. And our feelings impact our thoughts AND our behaviors. Therefore, we operate in such a way that we are DRIVEN by our FEELINGS. BUT, the other part of CBT is that our thoughts/cognitions impact our behaviors directly AND our feelings as well.

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