
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in a nutshell

Yes, our thoughts/cognitions impact our feelings and therefore our feelings impact  our behaviors. And our feelings impact our thoughts AND our behaviors. Therefore, we operate in such a way that we are DRIVEN by our FEELINGS. BUT, the other part of CBT is that our thoughts/cognitions impact our behaviors directly AND our feelings as well.

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Are you a worry warrior?

Strengthen your response to worries you experience on a daily basis! Here you will find a resource to assist with the daily worries we experience. Although we are aware of the fact that worrying about an issue will not actually help with the said issue, at times, we may feel like we can’t control the

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Tool Kit

As humans, we aren’t meant to be alone for extended period of times, hence why solitary confinement is used as punishment. We don’t live on an island (although sometimes we wish we did, right?), rather we are members of a specific group and surrounded by people such as family, friends, coworkers, neighbors etc. We are part of

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Self-care Strategies

Below is a list of my favorite tried and true strategies to use when life gets too overwhelming and I need a pause button. Give these a try; you will not be great at them the first time you do it, but with time and practice, your skills will improve. You will also find my

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