Frequently Asked Questions

I often find that people overthink therapy, especially the first few sessions (until it becomes a habit).  The first session focuses on getting to know you and what brings you in, what your goals are. It is kind of like interviewing each other to make sure we are a good fit. Regardless of how skilled a therapist is, it is the client-therapist relationship that is the best indicator of how well you will do in therapy. I encourage all my clients to practice vulnerability, to allow themselves to be/present themselves was they are… with flaws and all (after all, we nobody is perfect). This is easier said than done, trust me, I know. However, the sooner we can get to the root causes of what is holding you back (loss, trauma, communication issues, anger management, mood, etc.), the sooner we can start addressing your goals. My space is sacred, free of judgment and expectations . We will move at your own pace and start exploring your true self . We will start asking questions and look for those answers within yourself in order to have you start living a more meaningful life as soon as possible.

I am proud to be credentialed with Blue Cross Blue Shield and submit claims for those clients who are covered by BCBS. 


If you have alternative insurance coverage, please check your out of network benefits.
Otherwise, I accept HSA accounts and provide discounts for Venmo/cash payments. 


Therapy is a personal journey. There is no definitive answer to this question. Though it's safe to say more than a session or two is necessary to make any headway on what brings someone in, some individuals find a few sessions are sufficient, while others choose to continue it for longer terms.
It is not unusual to have some clients continue to work with me through additional challenges they may be facing. There isn't necessarily a correct answer, however my goal is not to have my patients in therapy forever, but rather on an as needed basis.

Therapy is an investment in yourself and I know, first hand, that putting ourselves first can be fairly challenging. With that being said, I hope you will take advantage of my free 15 min consultation to problem solve this issue together. Even if this isn’t the case, I can provide you with some resources and additional therapists in the area who may be able to accommodate your financial situation.

I am open to people from everywhere and anywhere who are truly interested in making a change in their lives. In order for therapy to truly work, it cannot be forced on anyone, hence the saying “You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.” You are the only one who can determine that you are ready; ready to live the best version of yourself and unlock your full potential. It all starts with you. When your desire to change is stronger than the desire to remain the same, you will know you are ready for your new and fulfilling journey.

 I do have limited availability spots for those in need of a reduced fee or sliding scale. Set up a free 15 minute consultation and let’s chat about your options to see how we can problem solve this. 

How I live out my passion as a therapist & help others:

I find a sense of fulfillment and belonging when walking alongside others in their journey. I understand that our journeys are unique and may differ from one another, but I deeply value the importance of having someone to journey alongside. Recognizing the need for and genuinely pursing therapy are two of the bravest things a person can do for themselves. I am the therapist that can be the cheerleader working alongside you; one that will celebrate your successes, while also holding you accountable to your goals. I look forward to connecting with you.

The process of discovering more about who you are is something to embrace and celebrate!

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